Triumph Campaign Direction:
Redefining what intimacy means today.
Discovering warmth and connection.
Throughout the AW22 and SS23 seasons, we developed a series of campaigns to strengthen Triumph’s new core ethos. Our objective was to create desirability: elevating the brand’s look and feel while providing an authentic strategic platform to build from. The crux of our work is emotional. In order for women to identity with Triumph, we focus on bringing out warmth and connection.
Triumph does not play the same game of ticking off checkboxes or quotas. Redefining what intimacy means today, it’s about celebrating every individual. Every campaign focused on capturing real warmth, real interests and real life.

It’s Personal.
We created the overarching campaign platform: It’s Personal. Communicating that Triumph’s products and efforts are designed to cater to you. In any form, any mood, any stage of your life. We are not here to pander or dictate, but to listen to you.